
Upcoming events

Extended Warranty & Service Contract Innovations

USE CODE WW300 FOR $300 OFF REGISTRATION! Get in-depth insights on all key ingredients for creating winning warranty & service contracts for vehicle, home, appliance, mobile, electronics & other consumer markets. Hear top industry leaders discuss tools and strategies for end-to-end lifecycle solutions for product design, marketing, sales, customer service, operations, technology & compliance.

September 24 ⟶ 25, 2024
Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL
Vehicle Service & Warranty Lifecycle Summit

MAPconnected's annual event brings together leading motor vehicle OEMs, parts and equipment suppliers, dealers, distributors, logistics and services providers to discuss best practices that reduce costs and friction and lead to enhanced product quality, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Key warranty lifecycle tracks include: warranty & quality management, technical & field service operations, service plans & parts, and connected customer care & recalls.

October 22 ⟶ 23, 2024
Westin Southfield Detroit

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